Re: Weekly call slot and agenda.

Thank you Dave, also for answering questions post last(Cogai) call

I am sharing this reply with AI KR CG in the hope to cross fertilize

I am horribly swamped and need to limit my participation to calls because I
belong to too many groups, but I look forward to participating in future
calls when I can. Better still would be to have recordings or brief
summaries so that I can listen when I can.  My input to future agendas:
- if there is a spec to be approved, maybe a call could be devoted to
presenting the spec and answering questions
- of interest to the AI KR CG could be exploring the intersection between
cogai and AI KR
I start suspecting that chunks may be a new type of KR and if so this could
be explored and written up
a) expound the relation between KR and cogai
 B) are chunks a new type of KR?

- In addition to anything that the group wants to share during future
calls, I wonder if it may be of interest  Neuromorphic Cognitive Systems,

Thank you,

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 4:49 PM Dave Raggett <> wrote:

> We now have a weekly zoom teleconference booking every Monday at 2pm Paris
> local time. This is open to all members of the Cognitive AI Community
> Group. The zoom URL is given on the member only page for the meeting
> details [1]. Please don't share the Zoom URL on any public media.
> My thanks to François Daoust to setting up the call. Rather than having a
> call today at very short notice, I propose we hold the next call in a
> week’s time on Monday 5th October.  Agenda suggestions are welcomed -
> please reply to this email with your ideas.
> It would presumably make sense to plan calls around particular topics,
> with a mix of technical and non-technical topics so that everyone can find
> something of interest to discuss. I was thinking that after the general
> introduction in the last call, it would make sense to take a look at the
> chunks data and rules language, some introductory demos and the web sandbox
> for you to experiment for yourselves.
> [1]
> Dave Raggett <>
> W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 00:02:55 UTC