Weekly call slot and agenda.

We now have a weekly zoom teleconference booking every Monday at 2pm Paris local time. This is open to all members of the Cognitive AI Community Group. The zoom URL is given on the member only page for the meeting details [1]. Please don't share the Zoom URL on any public media.

My thanks to François Daoust to setting up the call. Rather than having a call today at very short notice, I propose we hold the next call in a week’s time on Monday 5th October.  Agenda suggestions are welcomed - please reply to this email with your ideas. 

It would presumably make sense to plan calls around particular topics, with a mix of technical and non-technical topics so that everyone can find something of interest to discuss. I was thinking that after the general introduction in the last call, it would make sense to take a look at the chunks data and rules language, some introductory demos and the web sandbox for you to experiment for yourselves.

[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/internal-cogai/2020Sep/0000.html

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett
W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Received on Monday, 28 September 2020 08:49:42 UTC