COGA Community Group meeting summary for October 7, 2021

Hello COGA Community Group,

Hiral wrote up a summary for us from our last meeting on Thursday, October
7, 2021:

*Discussion summary*

   1. Easiest way to decide a time where we can meet as a single group via
   zoom, specially APAC friendly time
      - All were in agreement that since people are across the globe, it is
      hard to find a single suitable time but we will try to create a
poll where
      people can put their preferred time, and also tell if they generally wake
      up early or night owl.
      - There is also an option of async communication only via email and
      collaborative google docs, that option preference will be included in the
      upcoming poll.
   2. How to widely share W3C's document on making content more usable for
   people with cognitive disabilities <>.
      - Erin suggested making the document itself more clear and
      understandable so that people can review it easily.
      - Rain is working on a friendly slide deck version of that document.
      - Rin is recruiting a graphic designer who can also help in creating
      more engaging sharable content.
      - Participants suggested sharing it via various social media like
      LinkedIn, Slack, Medium article, IAAP forums, Discord etc. and push other
      accessibility professionals to use it in their discussions or
      - Kiki will coordinate the creation of shareables. If you would like
      to be involved, please see Creating COGA Documents for Social Media
      how to get started.
   3. How did participants hear about this group? LinkedIn, Discord, and
   Facebook seemed to be the common way people learned about it.
   4. Roundtable from community members - Hiral shared her own background
   and experiences, why she joined this group.

*Action items:*

   - Hiral will have a look on accessibility of some of the polling
   applications and circulate a link of polling soon, along with other options
   for people who can not access polling link to decide on a good APAC
   friendly common time for this meeting.
   - Kiki is organizing efforts on creating shareables (Creating COGA
   Documents for Social Media
   - Roundtable from community members: if you would like to share your
   background, area of expertise, or a particular interface experience with
   the group for 5-10 minutes, please let know.

The ongoing meeting notes are available in this Google Doc

*Thank you, Hiral*, for this summary, and *thank you, Rin*, for taking
excellent notes during the meeting!

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting, which will be in
about 2 weeks. Date and time (APAC-friendly) are still being figured out.


Received on Friday, 8 October 2021 19:00:31 UTC