Re: Welcome!

Edward Chalk, Business Analyst.

I understand that, at a very simple level, improving Internet access for
people who have a cognitive disability can be accomplished by moving
towards a text-aided visual paradigm of representing information, rather
than a visual-aided text paradigm of representing information.

I think I may be able to help from a requirements documentation perspective.

Regards from Down Under.


On Wed, 18 Aug 2021 at 03:32, Lisa Seeman <> wrote:

> Welcome to our new community!  Our aim is to improve
> cognbative accessibility and help the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities
> Accessibility (COGA) Task Force.
> Things we can do include:
> - Sharing challenges when using the web
> - Suggesting user needs
> - Helping with research
> - Suggesting ways to improve accessibility for the community
> I was hoping we could start by introducing ourselves and maybe saying a
> bit about what we want the community to achieve.
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2021 22:43:13 UTC