Re: Welcome!

Hi Lisa,

Nice to meet everyone. My name is Jamie + Lion. I’m one of the digital accessibility folks at the BBC. I’m autistic and write / podcast etc about autistic life.

I’ve enjoyed contributing to COGA in the past and wanted to formalise stuff a bit. This felt like a nice middle step with the time I have available.

I’m hoping I can provide some useful lenses around autistic life and nuerodivergent needs. It’s part of my everyday life so hopefully it’s useful to share.


Jamie + Lion
From: Lisa Seeman <>
Sent: 17 August 2021 18:31
To: <>; Rain Michaels <>
Subject: Welcome!

Welcome to our new community!  Our aim is to improve cognbative accessibility and help the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility (COGA) Task Force.

Things we can do include:

- Sharing challenges when using the web
- Suggesting user needs
- Helping with research
- Suggesting ways to improve accessibility for the community

I was hoping we could start by introducing ourselves and maybe saying a bit about what we want the community to achieve.

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2021 20:41:32 UTC