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public-chem-web-pub@w3.org from March 2021
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14 messages
Wednesday, 3 March 2021 19:41:02 UTC,
Thursday, 18 March 2021 03:19:24 UTC
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March 18 meeting reminder
Supalo, Cary A
(Thursday, 18 March)
W3-chem-web-pub organic chemistry subgroup brainstorming session
Stefan M. Kilyanek
(Thursday, 4 March)
W3-chem-web-pub organic chemistry subgroup brainstorming session
Stefan M. Kilyanek
(Thursday, 4 March)
Organic chemistry subgroup brainstorming session
Stefan M. Kilyanek
(Thursday, 4 March)
W3-chem-web-pub organic chemistry subgroup brainstorming session
Stefan M. Kilyanek
(Thursday, 4 March)
Link to minutes and next call will be April 8, and a organic sub-group meeting was agreed upon for March 18
(Thursday, 4 March)
Chemistry on the Web and in Publishing
(Thursday, 4 March)
March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
Dan Barrett
(Wednesday, 3 March)
Re: March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
Volker Sorge
(Thursday, 4 March)
RE: March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
Supalo, Cary A
(Thursday, 4 March)
Re: March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
Volker Sorge
(Friday, 5 March)
RE: March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
Supalo, Cary A
(Friday, 5 March)
RE: March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
(Friday, 5 March)
RE: March Meeting for Chem on the Web and Publishing
Supalo, Cary A
(Friday, 5 March)
Last message date
: Thursday, 18 March 2021 03:19:24 UTC