Re: [WICD] focus event triggered animations

Hello public-cdf,

Anne wrote:

> It is unclear to me how  
> <>  
> interacts with the earlier section about extensions to the <param>  
> element.

There are no extensions to the param element, although the param element
is indeed used in other sections.

>  What happens for example when both are set?

As section 9.2 Timeline Initialization says

  Frozen and static renderings have no timeline and thus cannot be
  started and stopped.

If they have no timeline then, clearly, animations in that timeline cannot
be started and stopped either. The CDF WG discussed this on todays
telcon and believe the specification is already clear on this point.

Please let us know within two weeks if you disagree with this resolution.

> In addition, this  
> sections lacks the same normative wording and exact terminology as the  
> other.

Please review the current specification, which we believe already has
the normative wording you request. Specifically, it says:

With the "animation" parameter set to "onfocusevent",

    * the child content must render the first frame for time zero (0).

    * If the root element does not have focus, then the root element
      must then be paused at time zero(0).

    * Upon receiving focus, the root element is resumed.

    * Upon losing focus, the root element is paused.

After discussion, 'is' will be replaced by 'shall be' in the third and
fourth bullets.

Please let us know within two weeks if this revised wording does not
satisfy your comment.

 Chris Lilley          
 Interaction Domain Leader
 Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2006 18:27:13 UTC