Re: WebDriver Test Suite

 > FWIW I think the main disadvantage of this is that it's hard to get an
 > overview; you have to dig into multiple issues rather than being able 
to get
 > a single-page summary.

I think GitHub's "Milestones" feature addresses this need pretty well. 
an example:

That page lists all issues assigned to the milestone (hiding the closed 
ones by
default), along with a "percent complete" indicator. It also supports a "Due
Date", which we could use to make the August 31 deadline [1] clear.


On 04/04/2017 02:30 PM, James Graham wrote:
> On 04/04/17 18:30, Mike Pennisi wrote:
>> I think it issues would be ideal here? For those less
>> familiar: they
>> can provide the same functionality as the referenced spreadsheet. That
>> includes
>> - They can be marked "complete"
>> - They can be assigned to multiple people [1]
>> - They can communicate overall progress towards a milestone [2]
>> But they are improvements in a few important ways.
>> - They support conversations
>> - They are more closely tied to the tests themselves (can be
>> referenced/closed
>>   via pull request/commit) [3]
>> - They support documenting incremental progress [4]
>> - They make changes (e.g. re-assignment) visible
>> Though maybe most important of all: they are far more discoverable. I 
>> don't
>> think potential contributors stand much of a chance of finding a
>> spreadsheet
>> maintained by mailing list participants. On the other hand, when they 
>> see
>> relevant commits that reference a milestone, or they see a
>> developer
>> making comments in an issue thread, they'll know where to go.
> FWIW I think the main disadvantage of this is that it's hard to get an 
> overview; you have to dig into multiple issues rather than being able 
> to get a single-page summary. I agree the spreadsheet isn't ideal 
> though (evidence: there are at least two and no one is keeping them up 
> to date. That might also be a problem with issues though).

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2017 20:23:51 UTC