Re: How to get URL of the page opened in the current frame?

On 07/09/15 16:36, Alexei Barantsev wrote:
> The "execute script" argument can be applied to this operation in general.
> I'll better vote +1 to remove it from the specification than to change the
> semantics.

Having GET session/{session_id}/url return a different url to the one 
set by the same path but with POST would be total nonsense. So if you 
want to change the semantics of one you need to also change the 
semantics of the other.

Not providing a GET for this POST seems like poor design.

Therefore I conclude that if you want to remove this you should also 
remove the corresponding POST endpoint from the spec. These are 
certainly things that can be implemented in the client with javascript, 
but removing all such things is not a rule that has generally been 
applied. If you did that, all of section 7 would disappear and much of 
10, 11, and 12 could go.

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 10:48:19 UTC