[agenda] Agenda for today's call on BP2 (and attached response to BP2 from OWASP - PLEASE READ)

Apologies for the late agenda.  We have one major agendum today which is
BP2.  We need to evaluate the current state of implementation reports.

Not sure if we'll have enough people for a call today - if we don't we will
cancel and put off to next week.

In any case, I have also enclosed a document which we have received from the
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) commenting on MWABP. Please
take a moment to read it so we can discuss what our response should be.


Attendance is open to W3C Members Only

Chair: Dan

Team Contact: ?

Known Regrets: ?

Please make sure that if you are sending regrets you do so _before_ the
call and please use the member list to do so:



1. BP2

2. AOB


Date: 2010-08-17T1330Z
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Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2010 09:05:10 UTC