BPWG Teleconference 2009-07-07

Hello mobile web fans!  We are in what seems like the final stretch of our
work here.  Made some great progress last week and I'm hoping we can keep
the momentum going a few more weeks to make as much progress as possible
before we're into serious summer season.

Attendance is open to W3C Members Only

Chair: Dan

Team Contact: François

Known Regrets: None so far

Please make sure that if you are sending regrets you do so _before_ the
call and please use the member list to do so:



0. Administrativa

Update on Charter Extension request François. 
*Do we still have a working group anyway?*

Summer schedule [assuming we still have a group]

1. Update on MWABP (BP 2)

Update from Adam.
Use of media queries -  François - ACTION-986

2. Update on BP 1.5

Update from Mr. Archer.

3. CT

Can we put this one to bed yet?

4. ISSUE and ACTION bashing

Any other that remain other than those covered above on CT and MWABP.
Continuing the good work we embarked on last week. You know you love it.

5. AOB


Date: 2009-07-07T1330Z
[0630 US Pacific, 0930 US Eastern, 1430 UK/Ireland, 1530 CET, 1630 Helsinki]

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Code 2794 ("BPWG") followed by #

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Received on Monday, 6 July 2009 15:44:22 UTC