[agenda] Agenda for Tomorrow's Call

Please note that this meeting is W3C Member Only.

Please make sure that if you are sending regrets you do so _before_ the
call and please use the member list (using the handy link below [a]) to
do so.

Note Call Time

A reminder that because of Daylight Savings introduction, this call is
**an hour later than usual in the USA**. For those elsewhere it is at
the same time [1500 UTC (GMT)] as usual. 


[a] mailto:member-bpwg@w3.org?subject=Regrets%20for%20BPWG%202008-02-20

Chair: Dan
Team Contact: Francois, Dom
Known Regrets: Nacho, Abel and Miguel


1. Reports from Task Forces

a. Pro (Kai)

b. CT (FD) 

c. Checker (Sean)

2. Mobile / Accessibility (Alan)

3. BP-2 (Bryan)

Review current Draft [1] 

4. Korean task force progress (Jo)

5. Actions / Issues Review

6. AOB


Date: 2008-02-20T1500Z

For those averse to parsing W3C DateTime string format, that's tomorrow at:
 15:00 GMT
 8:00 US Pacific
 11:00 US Eastern
 16:00 CET
 17:00 Helsinki

Phone: tel:+16177616200, tel:+33489063499 or tel:+441173706152

  Code 2794 ("BPWG") followed by #

IRC: irc://irc.w3.org:6665#bpwg

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2008 14:47:15 UTC