Re: Opera and Mobile Web

(For what it is worth I only use Opera on my BlackBerry, instead of
the built-in RIM browser. Charles here from Opera on this list would
likely agree it's great.)

What kind of information are you looking for regarding changes in
other main browsers? You mean are other desktop browsers coming to the
mobile phone? I know of Minimo, a version of Firefox for mobile, and
there is certainly a version of IE for Windows Mobile and PocketPC. A
mobile version of Safari / WebKit of course is on the iPhone.

This working group focuses more on best practices for web content
rather than for client-side technologies like browsers. But I'm sure
people would be happy to provide whatever comments they can if you can
clarify what you're interested in.


On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:07 AM,  <> wrote:
> Some time ago it has been announced that Opera introduces a mobile web
> browser which works well on almost every phone, including cheap and old
> models, smartphones, etc. The application is absolutely free and easy to
> download.
> Frankly speaking, I'm not an admirer of Opera, I prefer IE. In this case I
> wonder, if there are any information about the changes in other main
> browsers? Mobile version is the only advantage of Opera as a browser I
> suppose.
> Regards,
> Gina Travis                    Alierra Web Design Company

Received on Friday, 18 April 2008 13:25:07 UTC