- From: Alan Chuter <achuter@technosite.es>
- Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:06:04 +0200
- To: "MWI MWBP Member List" <member-bpwg@w3.org>
- Cc: "Mobile Web Accessibility Task Force" <public-bpwg-access@w3.org>
Work has started to progress slowly but surely in the past week. I have put in a fair amount of content in section 3 "How Mobile Web Best Practices can Benefit Users with Disabilities" [1]. There have been comments on the list [2] and to me off-list. Notably, Al Gilman has discussed the TF with the WAI CG and mentioned it in a note to the Hypertext CG. WCAG WG is aware of the work but it isn't necessary for them to become involved at this early stage (they are having trouble coping with workload on WCAG 2.0). I have commented on the usefulness of the references to WCAG in the BP document [3]. [1] http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/Accessibility/drafts/mok_wcag.html#how_mwbp_wcag [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-access/2007Sep/ [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-access/2007Sep/0008.html -- Alan Chuter Accessibility Consultant Technosite (Fundación ONCE) achuter@technosite.es www.technosite.es Tel. +34 91 121 03 35 Skype: achuter1 If you are unable to reply to this message because of spam filter, try my alternative address achuter.technosite@yahoo.com. Si no puede contestar a este mensaje por culpa del filtro de spam, intente con mi dirección alternativa achuter.technosite@yahoo.com.
Received on Thursday, 20 September 2007 09:07:04 UTC