This one first:
Christian Chiarcos wrote on 02/02/2023 11:54:
> I think it's a good idea to put the gist there, but to move the
> discussion there completely will very likely get it out of sync with
> the mailing list and the broader community, because then, you need to
> explicitly enable notifications. In particular, some of the issues
> above are actually issues in external vocabularies like BCP47 or ISO
> 639, and they may easily go unnoticed by people *just* on the list.
For W3C repositories, we normally send digests to the list that people
are subscribed to, once a day or once a week, whichever you prefer. The
i18n WG can help you set that up.
Here's an example of what the email subscriber receives.
Clicking on the brown subject text takes you directly to the issue in
Would you folks like to set that up?