> Wrt to the multiple lexicalisations, it's important to separate the
> notions of metadata belonging to a specific string (which is what we have
> been working on) and the localization of strings. We find those two are
> often conflated in the minds of the developers we speak with. For your
> COVID example, you'd need 3 separate strings, and to _internationalise_ the
> data there needs to be an ability to attach language and direction metadata
> to each.
Maybe I don't get it, but how would you add separate strings with the same
key (language tag) to something like
https://w3c.github.io/string-meta/#example-9? As an array, then? Or is (in
this example) the "title" object what you refer to as "string", so that we
then create "title1" and "title2" objects as soon as one language has two
lexicalizations of (what we initially considered to be) the same term?
> Btw, i'd much prefer us to have conversations like this in GitHub issues,
> rather than by email. Jorge you have my permission to copy my comments to
> an issue. (That makes it MUCH easier to find information later, and to
> follow and manage threads, not to mention the automatic cross-referencing
> that you get.)
I think it's a good idea to put the gist there, but to move the discussion
there completely will very likely get it out of sync with the mailing list
and the broader community, because then, you need to explicitly enable
notifications. In particular, some of the issues above are actually issues
in external vocabularies like BCP47 or ISO 639, and they may easily go
unnoticed by people *just* on the list.