- From: Jorge Gracia del Río <jogracia@unizar.es>
- Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 18:08:41 +0100
- To: public-bpmlod@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAMe8T+u0+ZP9SmtztJqnqnWtEwLmz5KDCGaHsa=cW2MvMytnRQ@mail.gmail.com>
Dear BPMLOD members, Following my previous announcement of a re-starting of our activities (see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpmlod/2022Dec/0000.html), this email is to propose some changes in the panel of chairs. I got in touch with the other co-chairs: José Labra and John McCrae, and they confirmed that they won't be much involved in the coordination of the group's activities in this new phase just started. Therefore, they are OK with the idea of being replaced by other participants. In this regard, the following colleagues volunteered to act as chairs of BPMLOD during the following months, substituting José and John. The three of them are working group leaders in the NexusLinguarum Action and will be heavily involved in the preparation of the updated and new guidelines and best practices for multilingual linked data: * Dr Andon TCHECHMEDJIEV (IMT Mines Alès, France) * Dr Milan DOJCHINOVSKI (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) * Dr Anas Fahad KHAN (Istituto della Linguistica Computazionale, Italy) Actually, we do not have an explicit protocol for chair selection (W3C is quite open about this), but following our previous (and others') experiences, the procedure could be as simple as calling for a vote during our next meeting to confirm/reject the candidates. If there is any other volunteer, please drop me an email within one week so we can consider their candidacy as well. As for the next meeting, I think we should meet in mid January to follow up on our activities. I'll circulate a doodle poll in a separate email. Best regards, Merry Christmas, and happy New Year! Jorge -- Jorge Gracia, PhD Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering / Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A) University of Zaragoza http://jogracia.url.ph/web/
Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2022 17:09:06 UTC