re-starting BPMLOD activities

Dear BPMLOD group colleagues,

It has been a long while since this group became "dormant" after the
successful release of a good number of WC3 community group reports
<>. Now, in the context of the
NexusLinguarum <> COST Action, we would like to
expand and update the guidelines and best practices for multilingual linked
open data that we produced, in two directions:
- Generation, interlinking, publication, and validation of LLOD.
- Linguistic Linked Open Data-aware Natural Language Processing.

Since BPMLOD is the natural forum for this, we would like to move here such
discussion and involve more interested partners, to produce a new round of
W3C reports by the end of next year.

This recently published paper, containing an analysis of how things are and
what is missing, could serve as starting point:

*Khan, A. F., Chiarcos, C., Declerck, T., di Buono, M. P., Dojchinovski,
M., Gracia, J., Oleskeviciene, G. V., & Gifu, D. (2022). A Survey of
Guidelines and Best Practices for the Generation, Interlinking,
Publication, and Validation of Linguistic Linked Data
<>. Proc. of the 8th Workshop on
Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL 2022) at LREC 2022, 69–77.*

More information will come in future communications. If you think that this
idea is interesting and that you can help with it or even come up with a
topic or guidelines that you think this community group should address, you
are more than welcome on board!

Best regards,

Jorge Gracia
BPMLOD W3C community group co-chair

Received on Monday, 5 December 2022 07:01:21 UTC