Re: Questions about TBX to RDF handling

Returning again to this issue, specifically the cross reference. I got the comment that having XML code in the definition entry text is not so RDF-ish – how should it be made into triplets?

After looking more on RDF handling, I suppose you could make it into a ref:seq, something like:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <tbx:definition rdf:parseType=”?”>
            <rdf:li ref:resource=”#Bas4712”>verksamhet</rdf:li>
           <rdf:li>som drivs under ordnade former</rdf:li>

which then should be concatenated to display the definition. Or how do you handle ”marked up” text in RDF? And need these things be described in your recommendations?


28 sep. 2015 kl. 17:01 skrev Peter Svanberg <<>>:

2.       We would like to use cross references in some fields, manly definition. TBX allows that through a hi element in the value, for example (text in Swedish, sorry …):

        <langSet xml:lang="sv" id="Bas4711">
          <descrip type="definition">kommersiell <hi target="Bas4712">verksamhet</hi> som drivs under ordnade former</descrip>


  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <tbx:definition rdf:parseType="Literal">kommersiell
               <hi target="Bas4712">verksamhet</hi> som drivs under
       ordnade former</tbx:definition>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

Received on Thursday, 22 October 2015 14:43:28 UTC