Re: [bpmlod] introductions

Hi all,

My name is John McCrae and I am a research associate at the University of
Bielefeld. My work mainly concerns multilinguality and the representation
of language resources on the web, in particular I have worked along with
other members of this group on the development of the *lemon* lexicon-ontology
model, that extends the ontology language OWL with the ability to represent
lexical information and describe non-trivial multilingual representations
of vocabularies. I have also been involved in publishing multilingual
language resources as linked data.



On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Michael Lutz <> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> my name is Michael Lutz. My background is in geographic information
> science and conceptual modelling / semantic web. I work for the European
> Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) [1], where over the past 5 years I
> have coordinated the development of data models for the standardised
> exchange of geospatial and environmental data in 34 thematic areas [2]. The
> data models are a major part of the " Infrastructure for Spatial
> Information in Europe" (INSPIRE) [3] - a legal framework and set of
> technical guidelines for improving the access to, sharing and use of
> environtal information in Europe. They will become legally binding for data
> exchange over the next 2-7 years. The INSPIRE data models use free-text
> properties in a number of cases, and multi-linguality is addressed in
> slightly different ways. My interest in this group is to understand the
> best practices that could be applied for the INSPIRE data models.
> Michael
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> On 17/06/2013 15:30, Jorge Gracia wrote:
> Dear Community Group members,
> We would like to start a thread to allow all the members to introduce
> themselves in a few lines, briefly mentioning their current
> affiliation, research interests and motivation for participating in
> the "Best Practises for Multilingual LOD" group. Let me start myself:
> My name is Jorge Gracia. I am a post-doctoral researcher at Ontology
> Engineering Group (OEG), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). I
> got my PhD in Computer Science at University of Zaragoza, with a
> thesis about "Integration and Disambiguation Techniques for Semantic
> Heterogeneity Reduction on the Web", which comprised sense discovery,
> matching and disambiguation techniques in the context of the Semantic
> Web. (You can find more information about me at
> Recently I focused on the multilingual dimension of the Web of Data,
> as a more extreme case of semantic heterogeneity on the Web. In that
> context I have been working on the Monnet project, and currently I am
> very interested in the areas of cross-lingual ontology matching and
> instance matching. I will co-chair the group on Best Practises for
> Multilingual LOD
> Looking forward to a great collaboration!
> Jorge

Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 11:56:46 UTC