- From: Marieke Guy <marieke.guy@okfn.org>
- Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 13:34:59 +0100
- To: undisclosed-recipients:;
- Message-ID: <5214B3F3.2070401@okfn.org>
The LinkedUpVeni Competition <http://linkedup-challenge.org/#first>is the first in a series of three competitions on tools and demos that analyse or integrate open web data for educational purposes. The LinkedUp evaluation panel has now agreed upon a shortlist of eight <http://linkedup-project.eu/2013/08/21/veni-competition-the-shortlist/>from the Veni Competition submissionswhich will be presented on 17 September during a dedicated LinkedUp session at the Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon <http://okcon.org>). We received a total of 22 valid submissions from 12 different countries. They offered innovative ideas in areas from mobile education, knowledge sharing and museum visits, to politics and sustainable development. Our evaluation panel considered many aspects of the entries including innovation, attractiveness and usefulness. They also looked at the relevance for education, the usability and performance of the tools, the data the entry uses or provides, and the way privacy and other legal aspects are dealt with. The following entries have made it to the shortlist: * *DataConf* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#dataconf> - a mobile mashup that enriches conference publications. The reviewers applauded its nice and effective design. DataConf is especially useful at the graduate education level. * *Globe-Town* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#globetown>**- a ''fun to use' tool that lets users find out the most important trade partners, migrant populations and airline routes of their own countries. It also provides infographics on issues regarding society, environment and economy. * *Knownodes* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#knownodes>**- a collaborative website that enables relating, defining and exploring connections between web resources and ideas, making use of graph visualizations. Knownodes scored high on educational innovation. * *Mismuseos* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#mismuseos> - connects museum data with sources including Europeana, Dbpedia and Geonames. With Mismuseos, learners can browse and explore the backgrounds and relations between objects from multiple Spanish museums. * *Polimedia* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#polimedia>*- *connects transcripts of the Dutch parliament with media coverage in newspapers and radio bulletins. Polimedia employs innovative information techniques and provides an attractive front-end that invites exploration and browsing. * *ReCredible* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#rethink>**- a browsable topic map with wikipedia-like content next to it. The topic library showcases interesting topics varying from dog breeds and alternative medicine to nanotechnology and information systems. * *We-Share* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#weshare>**- a social annotation application for educational ICT tools. We-Share can help educators to find tools to support teaching at all educational levels, and received high scores on educational innovation. * *YourHistory* <http://linkedup-challenge.org/veni.html#yourhistory> - a Facebook app that makes history tangible by showing historic and global events that are related to your own life events and your interests. The quality of submissions was very high and there were some very impressive entries which unfortunately didn't make the top eight. All have now received feedback and are encouraged to further extend and positioning their systems and submit them to the next competition, Vidi, which will be launched in November. The People's Choice online voting remains open until the 17th September, when all prizes will be awarded <http://okcon.org/2013/08/20/join-the-open-education-working-group-and-panel/>on the main stage at OKCon <http://okcon.org>in Geneva. The Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) is the world's leading open data and open knowledge conference, registration is currently open <http://okcon.org/tickets/>. Marieke -- Marieke Guy LinkedUp <%3Fhttp://linkedup-project.eu/%3F> Project Community Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy <http://twitter.com/mariekeguy> The Open Knowledge Foundation <%3Fhttp://okfn.org/%3F> /Empowering through Open Knowledge/ http://okfn.org/ <%3Fhttp://okfn.org/%3F> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/okfn>| OKF on Facebook <%3Fhttps://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork%3F> | Blog <%3Fhttp://blog.okfn.org%3F> | Newsletter <%3Fhttp://okfn.org/about/newsletter/%3F> http://remoteworker.wordpress.com <%3Fhttp://remoteworker.wordpress.com%3F>
Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 12:35:32 UTC