URIs for new types (Workflow, Taxon) and their properties

In upcoming RO-Crate 1.1 we want to align closer with the Workflow
profile 0.5 - see <https://github.com/ResearchObject/ro-crate/pull/81/>

I understand Workflow profile is being prepared and that we agreed that
Workflow will be a proposed new subtype of <http://schema.org/SoftwareSourceCode>
instead of just a profile of it (it adds new properties that make
less sense on other source code).

Part of this profile is also some new properties like "input" and
"output" which I am worried the schema.org community may find too
general - say they want to rename "input" to "expectsInput" and "output"
to "producesOutput".

I am not sure which URIs to refer to these new BioSchemas terms from the
RO-Crate JSON-LD context - I know they target to become
<http://schema.org/input> etc, while that may currently seem
uncertain we still want to go ahead with BioSchemas alignment in

RO-Crate is targetting long-term archival (e.g. Zenodo) and so we
have our own JSON-LD context that includes a versioned snapshot of
schema.org terms, e.g. <https://w3id.org/ro/crate/1.0/context>
refers to schemaVersion <http://schema.org/version/5.0/>

     "schemaVersion": {
          "@id": "http://schema.org/version/5.0/"

(next RO-Crate context will be updated for 
<http://schema.org/version/8.0/> terms)

We need to have a mapping to URI for all JSON terms in order for it to
survive JSON-LD processing and parsing to RDF.

It is an important principle for us that clicking the URLs from the
RO-Crate context gives a human-readable definition - obviously that
won't be the case for new URIs like http://schema.org/Workflow until
later (or perhaps never if the term is renamed..)

One advantage we have is that each RO-Crate JSON-LD context release
can document exactly which versioned BioSchemas profiles it is based:

     "isBasedOn": [
          { "@id": "http://schema.org/version/8.0/" },
          { "@id": "https://pcdm.org/2016/04/18/models" },
          { "@id": "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/Workflow/0.5-DRAFT-2020_xx_xx/" }

In my current draft the RO-Crate JSON-LD adds the term mapping:

  "input": "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/Workflow/0.5-DRAFT-2020_xx_xx/#input",
  "output": "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/Workflow/0.5-DRAFT-2020_xx_xx/#output",
  "format": "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/Workflow/0.5-DRAFT-2020_xx_xx/#format",
  "FormalParameter": "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/Workflow/0.5-DRAFT-2020_xx_xx/#FormalParameter",

(pending 0.5-DRAFT release date)

I notice this is a hack, e.g. the page 
https://bioschemas.org/profiles/Workflow/0.4-DRAFT-2020_05_11/ do not
have any helpful HTML id tags (except id="btnCommunity" which appears
multipe times?) and so I can't link to the correct row - there is no
"#input" on the page.

I also understand that for Workflow to become a new BioSchemas type it
would need to be added to https://bioschemas.org/types/ which is
probably better target for my "hack" - e.g. <https://bioschemas.org/Taxon>
already redirects to
<https://bioschemas.org/types/Taxon/0.3-RELEASE-2019_11_18/> although
that does not work for properties like

However I now notice that (unlike on the profile pages) the HTML of
types do have correct `id` for the corresponding rows, so
would refer to the correct table row:

  <tr id="childTaxon">
    <th style="color: #0B794B;">childTaxon</th>
     <a style="color: #0B794B;" href="/types/drafts/Taxon">Taxon</a> or<br>
     <a href="http://schema.org/Text">Text</a> or<br>
     <a href="http://schema.org/URL">URL</a>
     Closest child taxa of the taxon in question. <br>
     Inverse property: <span style="color: #0B794B;">parentTaxon</span>

(although the browser for some reason does not scroll there)

So any suggestions? So far I think we should use
https://bioschemas.org/Workflows#input> assuming a similar page will get
created there.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, The University of Manchester
  Please note that I may work flexibly – whilst it suits me to email now, 
  I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 16:15:13 UTC