Re: VISS and VIAS language guidance

On Tue, 2017-08-15 at 07:56 +0000, Peter Winzell wrote:
> Hi Gunnar!
> Good point . I don't recall that we have ever discussed this issue (BE vs
> AE). I think that since we have had mainly British editors (Adam,Kevin)
> for VIS we should perhaps use British English for VIS.   For VIAS we have
> Urata-san , Wonsuk-san and I am not sure what we would prefer there.

Thanks Peter,

> My view is that it should be consistent, thus that we either use BE or AE,
> but not necessarily the same for both VIS and VIAS. What is the groups
> view on this ?

I just imagined there might be a W3C global policy?  If there is a main
editor identified for each document then letting them choose (consistently
within one document) seems a fair compromise otherwise.

And yes, I meant British English and American English, not English vs.
American.  (No offence intended to either one - or to any other English
variation that might exist around the world :-) )

- Gunnar

> Br
> Peter Winzell

Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2017 08:10:48 UTC