Re: Meeting Minutes Summary: W3C Automotive and Web Platform BG June Conf Call

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Abramski, Adam M
<> wrote:
> Meeting Minutes Summary: June Conf Call
> If I made a mistake or forgot something, please feel free to correct me.
> There are several AR for *ALL* members so please read through the list and
> provide feedback ASAP.  Thank you.
> Also, please review Vadim’s proposal sent out today and provide any comments
> back ASAP.  Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Adam
> Proposed Agenda:
> Vehicle Spec related ARs:
> AR: W3C/Alan to get authoritative person to talk to the BG about security of
> web apps (DONE – Vadim has written up a some proposed language to cover
> security – AR all members please comment on this)
> AR: Paul/OpenCar will do a WebIDL check on draft spec before we post it for
> the 30-day public comment
> AR: Kevron/Intel to propose and add get history method to the spec and ask
> BG to comment on it (DONE – AR all members please comment on this it’s in
> the latest spec)
> AR: Kaz/W3C will provide concrete use cases for having gear ratios for
> Transmission Interface to attempt to address this and if need be reach out
> to Bart H
> AR: Vadim/GM to come up with a proposal on DriverIdentification (DONE)

Pull request is here:

> AR: Paul/Kevron – to remove and make changes to add WheelTicks and
> SteeringWheelAngle to the spec (DONE – AR all member please comment on this
> it’s in the latest spec)
> AR: Paul/Vadim/Kevron – suggestion was to add 2 trip meters per the email to
> the spec (AR Kevron will add them shortly)

I have a pull request here.  Please comment.

> AR: Hirabayashi/KDDI/Kaz/W3C – create a report with use cases and
> changes/additions to the existing W3C Geolocation API spec that cover
> Geocoding
> AR: Vadim/GM to generate a recommendation (on Availability method –
> splitting it into two isAvailableForGet() and isAvailableForSet()) to
> include in the spec (DONE – discussed at F2F)
> AR: Kaz/W3C to investigate user profile work that was previously done in W3C
> but was never completed (DONE – see email from last week)
> Vadim/GM to write up a proposal based on Kaz’s feedback to include into the
> spec (DONE – neither of the specs identified by Kaz are applicable to
> automotive – AR all members please comment on Vadim’s email if you disagree
> with this)
> AR: Vadim/GM/Aldric/PSA to suggest the data type like float or integer for
> each vehicle data element (AR Vadim will send a reminder email on this)
> AR: Paul/OpenCar/Kevron/Intel/Justin/LGE based on Vadim/Aldric’s AR above
> (ie data types) will modify the spec to match the proposal (AR Kevron will
> update the spec to reflect email from Vadim in AR above)
> AR: To all - Vehicle Information spec to be completed by June 13th so spec
> can finished up and be posted by June 20th for 30-day public comment
> Group Direction
> Timeline laid out to potentially create an Automotive Working Group by
> October 2014
> First Automotive WG F2F meeting to coincide with next Automotive BG F2F in
> October (see note below on next proposed F2F)
> Discussed how the BG and WG could work together with BG continuing to
> explore new spec and reports and WG focusing on driving specs like Vehicle
> Information spec to a final official state within the W3C (W3C/Adam –
> suggested we could balance the two groups so BG stays focused on creating
> use cases and usage reports in specific areas important to automotive (like
> the W3C TV Interest Group) and let Automotive WG do the technical due
> diligence of creating and driving API specs)
> Suggestion to have the BG and WG meeting F2F in October for the first day or
> half a day then let the BG and WG split off the next day to drive their own
> agendas and discussions
> AR: Intel/OpenCar to send email to list to suggest/propose a charter for the
> new Automotive WG but allow any other BG member company to step forward if
> they wanted to drive the charter and WG with the W3C (DONE – Intel/OpenCar
> sent email to the BG list – will wait until 6/18 for another member company
> to step forward if not Intel/OpenCar will work with W3C to create a charter
> – AR any member interested please speak up)
> Next potential specification/report
> Media Tuner/IVI Radio – most advanced project within GENIVI but we need a
> lead or co-leads to move this forward
> Suggestion is to have Pandora lead with help from GENIVI CE EG like Bosch
> and Obigo
> It would be good to have an OEM take an interest and help as well like JLR
> or GM or PSA or BMW
> Some information is available publically at:
> AR: To whoever leads this effort, the W3C suggested also looking at the TV
> CG since they are working on a TV Tuner API (Pandora/Craig said they may be
> interested in leading this effort – AR I think it would be extremely helpful
> to have an OEM like BMW, JLR, PSA, Fiat/Chrysler or GM step up to help
> co-lead this)
> AR: Intel/OpenCar to ask GENIVI to open up the GENIVI CE EG Media Tuner
> project use cases, requirements, source code, etc. so BG could evaluate and
> coordinate the two efforts (Adam sent email on 6/11 to GENIVI asking to open
> up all information related to this GENIVI effort)
> Navigation – GENIVI LBS EG suggested waiting until Oct this year to check
> back on their progress
> GM suggested starting with POI – most everyone agreed that would be a good
> starting point for an API spec
> Some information is available publically at:
> Also see some W3C POI spec draft:
> AR: Intel/OpenCar to ask GENIVI to open up the GENIVI LBS EG project use
> cases, requirements, source code, etc. so BG could evaluate and coordinate
> the two efforts
> Speech
> Intel/Adam talked to Continental/Elektrobit about creating a report with use
> cases, recommendations and potential API changes/additions to the existing
> W3C Speech Web API spec by the CG
> AR: Continental/Electrobit plan to implement the Speech Web API plus
> additional APIs to test within GENIVI EG and prepare a report afterwards
> (report likely in Fall this year)
> Automotive BG will get to review the report before taking it to the W3C
> Speech CG
> Other
> Suggestion was made that maybe this group should consider just focusing on
> creating use cases vs creating specs and let the to be formed Automotive WG
> to focus solely on the creation of API specs
> Next F2F/Upcoming Conf
> Next face to face proposed will be in during the week of October 7 - 10 in
> conjunction with the GENIVI All Member Meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan,
> specific dates and location to be determined but will likely be Thurs the
> 9th and Friday the 10th
> AR: Adam/Intel to bring this up in June’s monthly conf call to give members
> a heads up on planning to attend. (AR Adam to add proposed next F2F
> information on wiki)
> W3C TPAC is coming to Santa Clara this year from Oct 27 – 31 and I believe
> Paul and Adam will attend to represent our BG but other members are welcome
> as well
> Immediate action items for the group are as follows:
> See ARs from above and drive to finishing them so spec can be published to
> the public for a 30-day comment period by June 20th
> Set up next face to face at GENIVI AMM on Oct 9th and 10th. ***Please let us
> know if you can attend.***

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2014 21:00:30 UTC