Fwd: [TPAC 2022] Call for Group updates and Technical Demos

We can probably select some useful videos from the last AMM and record Jose
and Isaac's repeat presentation of their web client.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dominique Hazael-Massieux <dom@w3.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 11:36 AM
Subject: [TPAC 2022] Call for Group updates and Technical Demos
To: chairs@w3.org <chairs@w3.org>
Cc: Marie-Claire Forgue <mcf@w3.org>

Dear Chairs,

As in previous years [1], Marie-Claire and I are calling for W3C groups
to produce videos that would benefit from being shared with the broader
W3C community by:
* giving updates from the groups' work
* and/or creating technical demos illustrating the latest developments
in the groups

These videos will be shared online from the TPAC website [2]. For demos
specifically, we will also organize a physical show-and-tell session
during TPAC week for demo-ers that will be physically attending TPAC.

If someone in your group is willing to record such a video:
* Please contact us with the name of the volunteer by July 11th (sooner
is better!).
* We also want a proposed title of the demo and ideally a description of
what the demo will be about.
* We would then expect to receive the recorded videos by August 26th for
publication after post-processing around beg of September.

Based on the experience, we've built a collection of best practices to
help build impactful videos:


Many thanks for your contributions in bringing more exposure to the
import work your groups are pushing forward!


[1] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/group-updates.html
[2] https://www.w3.org/2022/09/TPAC/

Received on Monday, 13 June 2022 16:38:48 UTC