Re: VSS Layers introduction

On Tue, 2020-01-21 at 07:33 -0800, Rudolf J Streif wrote:
> I thought about using an attribute to define what an overlay does
> before. I came to the conclusion that it is not that good of a
> solution as it makes adoption of somebody else's overlay tree quite
> complex as you have to go through every single file and look if you
> like the overlay or not.
> If the whole concept of it is really necessary, and I am not quite
> sold on that in the first place, then there should be a toplevel way
> of doing it.

I agree and there is a very hand-wavy slide in the deck about another
"meta" level above the layers...  To try to be more concrete: I think
this means basically a top level file, likely also using YAML syntax,
that defines the existence and purpose of various Layers (including
characteristics such as what suffix files of that type should use).   

Just like for the VSS concept in general, I'd expect that idea, if it
gets properly defined, to be usable both for common agreements about
layer types (specified in VSS documentation and thus shared in the
industry), and proprietary layer definitions inside a company (because
collectively we might not envision every possibly usage of this).

- Gunnar

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 17:09:45 UTC