[Minutes] 2019-11-19 Auto WG and Graph project plans for next call


As we have been wanting to kick off graph project and neither chair
will be at the next call, we will hijack it for this project. I will
send explicit invites to people inside and out of the group who have
expressed interest.


[Note: at present our wiki is having a proxy issue and will work with
our Systems Team to resolve, not limited to our wiki]

Proposed agenda (open to input):

* Review use cases and narrow our focus based on potential availability
of signals to be contributed by participants


* Graph engine discussion

consider project's intended audience and what we want to demonstrate in
our selection. We can decide to try more than one for contrast purposes
and eventually influence graph in specification

See thread:


* Potentially other topics from roadmap on wiki

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 10:56:20 UTC