RES: Ajustes em termos da tradução WCAG 2.2

Bom dia,

Estou de acordo nos dois casos. Por mim, podemos fazer a alteração no documento para atender ao que foi solicitado.


Laercio Sant'anna
Núcleo de Gestão de Recursos de Infraestrutura - NGRI - GIO - DIT
+55 (11) 3396-9598
Me chame no Teams!<>

De: Reinaldo Ferraz <>
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2025 10:25
Assunto: Ajustes em termos da tradução WCAG 2.2

Bom dia.

O W3C ainda está no processo de revisão do documento. Eles estão fazendo uma revisão bem detalhada e questionando alguns pontos. Dois deles precisam de ajustes:

- Na parte do glossário, em "legendas descritivas", eles sugerem que a definição permaneça como "legendas" e devemos adicionar uma "Nota de tradução" explicando esse contexto. Algo como:

[Nota de tradução: Para fins de adequação para português, legendas, como definido neste glossário, se refere a legendas descritivas ]
- Na parte do nível de escolaridade eles sugerem tirarmos a sentença "para esta tradução, a comparação com o cenário brasileiro foi obtida pela BNCC", já que a definição original vem de uma definição internacional. Nesse caso nem deveria entrar em uma nota de tradução.

Se estiverem de acordo, faço os ajustes no documento para seguirmos adiante, ou então precisamos escrever justificativas além das que fiz nesse e-mail.

Aguardo as considerações do grupo.


-------- Mensagem encaminhada --------
Re: Fwd: WCAG 2.2 pt-br translation
Wed, 12 Feb 2025 16:58:39 +0100
Rémi BETIN <><>
Reinaldo Ferraz <><>

Dear Reinaldo,

After more discussion and consideration, please find our feedback below:

a) It is paramount that Authorized translations do not change or adapt or add to the meaning of the original standards, since W3C Recommendations follow an extensive process based on consensus.

For the translation of “captions”, we prefer that you keep “legendas”. The glossary definition is intended to clarify that “legendas” are not a dialog-only transcription in the context of WCAG. If the stakeholders feel the need to indicate that this type of "legendas” are often/also called “legendas descritivas”, we would be more comfortable if this was done in a translator’s note, to identify this is coming from the translators and not as a result of the W3C process.

The best way for now is to integrate translator’s notes into the text, enclosed in square brackets, and introduced by the expression “Translator’s note:” (translated into the target language).

Example: [Translator’s note: The content of your note]

The best location for the captions translator’s note would probably be after the glossary definition of “legendas” [1], in a new paragraph just before the "NOTA 1”.

b) After further consideration, we think the comparison with the Brazilian context is not strictly necessary for the meaning. The glossary definition is based on an international classification, and gives ages and duration ranges rather than country-specific level names.

We think inline translator’s notes should be avoided as much as possible, and only added when they are strictly necessary to correctly understand the meaning of the text in the targeted language and regions.

We are currently exploring how this other type of useful information could be made available to the readers in another form (for example, in a separate document). We plan to address this issue by June, and will keep you informed. For this publication however, we prefer that you remove these additions from the translation.




From: Reinaldo Ferraz <><>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 09:27:43 -0300
To: xueyuan <><>
Cc: ""<> <><>
Message-ID: <><>
Hi Xueyuan,

(a) The reviewers and stakeholders suggested this change because in
Portuguese, "captions" and "subtitles" both have a literal translation
as  "legendas", but there is a important difference. Considering the
WAI  definition[1]:

"Captions are a text version of the speech and non-speech audio
information needed to understand the content. They are displayed within
the media player and are synchronized with the audio."

In Portuguese, we consider "legendas descritivas" to be the same
definition as a caption. We should make clear that is not a dialog only
"legenda" (subtitle). Here is an example translated from the Federal
University of São Paulo [2]

  "(legenda descritiva) include non-verbal information, that is, in
addition to dialogue, they contain sound effects, ambient sounds and
other information that could not be perceived or understood by people
with hearing impairments."

The reviewer's and stakeholders' concerns are that using only "legendas"
for "caption" causes people to misunderstand and use them as subtitles
instead of captions.

(b) No problem to add this sentence in a "translator note:".

Best regards


From: xueyuan <><>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:50:27 +0800
To: Reinaldo Ferraz <><>
Cc: ""<> <><>
Message-ID: <><>
Hi Reinaldo,

Thanks for your prompt response.

Following the review summary you sent [1] and the detailed explanation
[2], I am relaying the feedback from our WAI colleagues as follows:

(a) Changing CS 1.2.2 "legendas" to "legendas descritivas" for "captions"

[feedback] The English original only uses “Captions”’ and gives more
details in the glossary definition. We would like to know more about the
rationale for this change, to make sure that specifying “legendas
descritivas” does not alter the initial intention.

Could you please clarify the rationale for the change above?

(b) We added the sentence "para esta tradução, a comparação com o
cenário brasileiro foi obtida pela BNCC" that means "for this
translation, the comparison with the Brazilian context was obtained
through the BNCC" to both notes about the education level in the glossary.

[feedback] Those additions are useful to the readers, but it would be
better to display them in specific “translator note:” boxes.

Our team is currently discussing the translator's note policy. We will
keep you updated.




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Received on Friday, 14 February 2025 10:17:33 UTC