Re: Ajustes em termos da tradução WCAG 2.2

A da escolaridade eles sugerem tirar o texto e não colocar nota. Eles 
acham que por ser uma definição internacional da UNESCO, a nota da 
tradução não deveria existir e que a tradução deveria ser o suficiente 
para contemplar a definição internacional.

Para o W3C, o ideal é manter somente "nível de educação primário" e 
"nível de educação secundário inferior".

O ponto deles faz sentido, já que essa é uma tradução direta do 
documento, mas se acharem que esse ajuste é imprescindível, devemos 
montar uma argumentação mais robusta.


Em 13/02/2025 13:21, Uilian Vigentim escreveu:
> Boa tarde pessoal!
> Não vejo problemas em prosseguir com as alterações.
> Só manteria a nota acerca da escolaridade por uma questão social e 
> cultural no Brasil.
> abraços.
> Em 13/02/2025 10:25, Reinaldo Ferraz escreveu:
>> Bom dia.
>> O W3C ainda está no processo de revisão do documento. Eles estão 
>> fazendo uma revisão bem detalhada e questionando alguns pontos. Dois 
>> deles precisam de ajustes:
>> - Na parte do glossário, em "legendas descritivas", eles sugerem que 
>> a definição permaneça como "legendas" e devemos adicionar uma "Nota 
>> de tradução" explicando esse contexto. Algo como:
>> [Nota de tradução: Para fins de adequação para português, legendas, 
>> como definido neste glossário, se refere a legendas descritivas ]
>> - Na parte do nível de escolaridade eles sugerem tirarmos a sentença 
>> "para esta tradução, a comparação com o cenário brasileiro foi obtida 
>> pela BNCC", já que a definição original vem de uma definição 
>> internacional. Nesse caso nem deveria entrar em uma nota de tradução.
>> Se estiverem de acordo, faço os ajustes no documento para seguirmos 
>> adiante, ou então precisamos escrever justificativas além das que fiz 
>> nesse e-mail.
>> Aguardo as considerações do grupo.
>> Abraços
>> Reinaldo
>> -------- Mensagem encaminhada --------
>> Assunto:  Re: Fwd: WCAG 2.2 pt-br translation
>> Data:  Wed, 12 Feb 2025 16:58:39 +0100
>> De:  Rémi BETIN <>
>> Para:  Reinaldo Ferraz <>
>> Dear Reinaldo,
>> After more discussion and consideration, please find our feedback below:
>> a) It is paramount that Authorized translations do not change or 
>> adapt or add to the meaning of the original standards, since W3C 
>> Recommendations follow an extensive process based on consensus.
>> For the translation of “captions”, we prefer that you keep 
>> “legendas”. The glossary definition is intended to clarify that 
>> “legendas” are not a dialog-only transcription in the context of 
>> WCAG. If the stakeholders feel the need to indicate that this type of 
>> "legendas” are often/also called “legendas descritivas”, we would be 
>> more comfortable if this was done in a translator’s note, to identify 
>> this is coming from the translators and not as a result of the W3C 
>> process.
>> The best way for now is to integrate translator’s notes into the 
>> text, enclosed in square brackets, and introduced by the expression 
>> “Translator’s note:” (translated into the target language).
>> Example: [Translator’s note: The content of your note]
>> The best location for the captions translator’s note would probably 
>> be after the glossary definition of “legendas” [1], in a new 
>> paragraph just before the "NOTA 1”.
>> b) After further consideration, we think the comparison with the 
>> Brazilian context is not strictly necessary for the meaning. The 
>> glossary definition is based on an international classification, and 
>> gives ages and duration ranges rather than country-specific level names.
>> We think inline translator’s notes should be avoided as much as 
>> possible, and only added when they are strictly necessary to 
>> correctly understand the meaning of the text in the targeted language 
>> and regions.
>> We are currently exploring how this other type of useful information 
>> could be made available to the readers in another form (for example, 
>> in a separate document). We plan to address this issue by June, and 
>> will keep you informed. For this publication however, we prefer that 
>> you remove these additions from the translation.
>> Best,
>> Rémi.
>> [1]
>>> From: Reinaldo Ferraz <>
>>> Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 09:27:43 -0300
>>> To: xueyuan <>
>>> Cc: "" <>
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> Hi Xueyuan,
>>> (a) The reviewers and stakeholders suggested this change because in
>>> Portuguese, "captions" and "subtitles" both have a literal translation
>>> as  "legendas", but there is a important difference. Considering the
>>> WAI  definition[1]:
>>> "Captions are a text version of the speech and non-speech audio
>>> information needed to understand the content. They are displayed within
>>> the media player and are synchronized with the audio."
>>> In Portuguese, we consider "legendas descritivas" to be the same
>>> definition as a caption. We should make clear that is not a dialog only
>>> "legenda" (subtitle). Here is an example translated from the Federal
>>> University of São Paulo [2]
>>>   "(legenda descritiva) include non-verbal information, that is, in
>>> addition to dialogue, they contain sound effects, ambient sounds and
>>> other information that could not be perceived or understood by people
>>> with hearing impairments."
>>> The reviewer's and stakeholders' concerns are that using only 
>>> "legendas"
>>> for "caption" causes people to misunderstand and use them as subtitles
>>> instead of captions.
>>> (b) No problem to add this sentence in a "translator note:".
>>> Best regards
>>> Reinaldo
>>>> From: xueyuan <>
>>>> Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:50:27 +0800
>>>> To: Reinaldo Ferraz <>
>>>> Cc: "" <>
>>>> Message-ID: <>
>>>> Hi Reinaldo,
>>>> Thanks for your prompt response.
>>>> Following the review summary you sent [1] and the detailed explanation
>>>> [2], I am relaying the feedback from our WAI colleagues as follows:
>>>> (a) Changing CS 1.2.2 "legendas" to "legendas descritivas" for 
>>>> "captions"
>>>> [feedback] The English original only uses “Captions”’ and gives more
>>>> details in the glossary definition. We would like to know more 
>>>> about the
>>>> rationale for this change, to make sure that specifying “legendas
>>>> descritivas” does not alter the initial intention.
>>>> Could you please clarify the rationale for the change above?
>>>> (b) We added the sentence "para esta tradução, a comparação com o
>>>> cenário brasileiro foi obtida pela BNCC" that means "for this
>>>> translation, the comparison with the Brazilian context was obtained
>>>> through the BNCC" to both notes about the education level in the 
>>>> glossary.
>>>> [feedback] Those additions are useful to the readers, but it would be
>>>> better to display them in specific “translator note:” boxes.
>>>> Our team is currently discussing the translator's note policy. We will
>>>> keep you updated.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Xueyuan
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2025 17:03:44 UTC