RE: Corrected Catalan version of WCAG incorporating SIDAR agreed comments

Hi Shadi and all,

No, and this is the point! The LTO said:

[cite (translated from]

“we're sorry not to be able to include the last suggestions proposed by
SIDAR in the process of

revision as the 3 November finished the deadline and it's already in hands
of the Consortium for its definite approval.

As LTO we compromise to take into account and to offer under discussion the
last received proposals of SIDAR in any new process of revision of the W3C
guidelines that we begin. Likewise, we ask to all collaborators that they
take them into account in their translations they are authorized or not.”

[cite end] 
So that, there was no agreement possibility because it prioritized the date
of delivery on the necessity to discuss and to reach an agreement between
all the participants. 
In fact, these was not new commentaries by our part, was only new arguments
on observations already done. And the LTO agreed, finally, with them but it
could not include them since the term had finalized. 

We considered that it is clear for all that at least these three terms, are
crucial and the present translation can take to confusion to the users.

And since the LTO is forced to follow the procedure marked by the W3C,
reason why it cannot include those modifications although it wants, it is
fundamental that that procedure is reviewed so that it does not return to
happen something as this and the process serves, really, to obtain the
highest possible quality in the translations. 

Thanks for all your work in this issue,

In behalf of the SIDAR revision team for the WCAG 1.0
translation into catalán:
- Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
- Fernando Gutiérrez
- Arnau Siches

Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo  	Fundación Sidar
Coordinadora del SIDAR
Tel.: +34 - 91 725 71 47		

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Shadi Abou-Zahra [] 
Enviado el: miércoles, 01 de agosto de 2007 11:32
CC: 'Coralie Mercier';
Asunto: Re: Corrected Catalan version of WCAG incorporating SIDAR agreed

Dear Emmanuelle, Fernando, Arnau,

Thank you for your responses, please find some comments below:

Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo wrote:
> We would like to insist [1] in three questions not yet added to the 
> authorized translation:

Can you confirm that these three questions were part of the initial comments
by SIDAR, and to which the LTO had agreed to incorporate?

> We would like to insist [2] on the need to establish a procedure for
> reviewing the authorized translations
> when someone, even if she/he is not part of any of the entities that took
> part into the revision process,
> raise a question that could improve the quality of the translation.

Thank you for your feedback, we will look into this and refine the 
process for Authorized W3C Translations as needed.

> [1]
> [2]


Shadi Abou-Zahra     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe |
Chair & Staff Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG |
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  |
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), |
WAI-TIES Project,       |
Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, |
2004, Route des Lucioles - 06560,  Sophia-Antipolis - France |
Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64          Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22 |

Received on Friday, 3 August 2007 12:51:49 UTC