Re: AnalyserNode

On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 12:25 AM, Marcus Geelnard <> wrote:

> 2013-12-10 19:26, Chris Wilson skrev:
>  Is there a historical reason why AnalyserNode has getByteTimeDomainData
>> but no getFloatTimeDomainData?  For higher-precision snippets, it would be
>> kind of useful.  For example, I've implemented an auto-correlating pitch
>> detection in my pitch detection sample, and I think it would be higher
>> precision if I could grab float samples (since I don't really need to
>> update constantly, I wouldn't need to process ALL the samples through a
>> ScriptProcessorNode).  Ditto for the waveform display in
>> - where I may want less
>> than constant waveforms, but I want to grab higher precision than 8-bit
>> data.
> I would also like to know why there's no float version (it shouldn't be
> hard adding the function though).
> Also, is there a use case for the 8-bit data versions? Only possible idea
> I've come up with is that you can use it directly as a WebGL texture source
> or something, but I'd still rather see a high resolution version in the
> first place (you can do the conversion to 8-bit yourself, but the other way
> around is impossible).
I did a quick peek through the blink history.  It looks like it was born
this way.

+1 for a float version.

> /Marcus
> --
> Marcus Geelnard
> Technical Lead, Mobile Infrastructure
> Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 17:37:36 UTC