How to write a sequencer?

In the light of all the discussion about the limitations of the jsnode(at least for writing audio) i was curious about any ideas how i should write myself a sequencer using the native nodes.

I need both a notesequencer (sends out frequencies mapped to the -1,1 scale) and a triggersequencer (that can send out a single value of 1). I thought about having a jsnode scheduling a gainnode which has a buffersourceconnected to it that's playing a looped buffer containing just one value (a 1).

- are there better ways to do this?
- i read about the dezippering of the gainnode. It's unspecified, but i assume it filters out fast changes. Woulnd't it be a good idea to be able to turn that off? If you want to do AM with it, you're not really looking for a node that interferes with your controlsignal.


Received on Monday, 6 August 2012 15:51:48 UTC