Re: [Bug 17793] New: AudioNode.disconnect() needs to be able to disconnect only one connection

> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Peter van der Noord <> wrote:
> Hmm, whether you get the right input/output by providing an id-string or an index is not the issue, i prefer the id as well. I just think there is a lack of some core graph-interaction.
> Probably true - I think the "derived class nodes" issue and JSNode dynamic number of inputs/outputs should be discussed when Chris is back from vacation.

Ok. What is the "derived class nodes issue"?

> In my opinion it is strange that disconnecting functionality is delivered only one-way (through outputs). As if i want to remove an element from the DOM, and the only way to do that is to look in every other element to see whether it contains the element i want to remove, and then remove it from the parent.
> But that's kinda how it works.  If you want to remove a DOM node, you go to its parent and call removeChild( node ) on the parent.  :)

Well, yes somehwere that halpens but i prefer to use a layer (mootools) that lets me do an easy node.dispose(). 

But that question i asked:

> how do you see it, would that latest disconnect refinement be enough? (not looking at the params disconnecting issue...)

> Don't get me wrong, i'm not suggesting removing those methods, i am aware that they are fully necessary for other types of applications than mine. I was hoping for an addition that could offer those functionalities by other means as well.
> I think they're mostly there, except for needing to build a "composite" node.

Is that regarding the example you gave with the clockdivider? Because i still don't quite understand what you meant there.


Received on Saturday, 21 July 2012 10:22:15 UTC