Re: comment about the Web Audio Processing UC and Reqs.

I agree it would be a good idea to have a different UC&Req doc for the MIDI
API.  I'm happy to volunteer, but I also know that if I do so, it will be
in August - I'm slammed until Google I/O, and leave the following morning
for vacation, and will be gone (off and on) most of July.

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 6:51 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski <> wrote:

> I wonder if we should have a different UC&Req document for the MIDI API.
> Depends on how much overlap there is, I guess.
> Anyway, I think it would be extremely useful if someone else could write
> the use cases and requirements for the MIDI API, not least because I'm
> completely snowed in right now, but mainly because I think other people's
> use cases and requirements might raise good new scenarios I've overlooked
> that are either too complicated or impossible (I doubt that one though) to
> achieve with the proposed API. It would also help me with making code
> examples and such.
> I currently have a test suite for the API in the works so that as soon as
> we have an implementation we can test it (to the extent that it's
> possible). I'm also planning to make an experimental build of Firefox or
> Chromium to support the API if I can only find the time.
> Cheers,
> Jussi
> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:
>> Olivier,
>> Here is a comment about the Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and
>> Requirements
>> Now that we should have a new Audio charter to specify a MIDI spec,
>> I propose to highlight better a MIDI use case with probably a high
>> priority.
>> Currently MIDI is only mentioned in UC 6
>> "applications that include the ability to render standard MIDI files as
>> sound (see UC 3) "
>> UC3 is low priority and UC6 high priority.
>> The document is getting close to a publishable state.
>> We should probably publish it soon, to get some feedback.
>> Use Cases and Requirements docs are an important layer to build the spec
>> upon.
>> Thierry.

Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 16:54:55 UTC