Re: Draft work statement for personalization task force

I've made this change and will post it as soon as the darn system lets 
me. Michael

On 19/07/2017 2:39 PM, Janina Sajka wrote:
> Michael:
> I think it could be helpful to explicitly name APA is one of the liaise
> WGs. If nothing else, it's a path to getting the research literature
> reviewed, and APA has the horizontal review and coordination
> responsibility, plus a specific interest in seeing personalization get
> traction.
> Thanks.
> Janina
> Michael Cooper writes:
>> We talked a few weeks ago about proposing a task force to work on
>> Personalization Semantics, to focus and separate the work from ARIA
>> development:
>> The draft task force work statement is now available:
>> Please comment on list, or in an upcoming teleconference. If response is
>> favorable we would like to begin ratification in the next couple weeks.
>> Michael

Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2017 19:21:46 UTC