Re: ARIA Authoring practices and grid based date picker (link to demos and GitHub repository)

I forgot to include a link to the current demos of the development version of JQUERY-UI date picker:

Here is the github repository:


From: Jon Gunderson <>
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 7:19 PM
To: Matt King <>, James Nurthen <>
Cc: 'ARIA Working Group' <>
Subject: ARIA Authoring practices and grid based date picker

Matt and James,

Could we send a few minutes on accessible datepicker patterns.

I am working with the JQuery-UI team working on the next generation datepicker and I have some questions to ask the group.

For example each date cell is:

<td role="gridcell" aria-selected="false" aria-label="Monday, 2/13/17" aria-describedby="ui-id-1-month-label" id="ui-id-1-2017-1-13">
  <button class="ui-state-default" tabindex="-1" data-ui-calendar-timestamp="1486965600000">13</button>

I think they are putting focus on the button and not the grid cell, so it seems the labeling is on the wrong element.

Hope we can talk about this for a few minutes.

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D.
Accessible IT Group
Disability Resources and Education Services
College of Applied Health Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Received on Thursday, 16 February 2017 01:22:47 UTC