Re: Names and short names of everything we are going to test


Here is a spec you missed.

GRAPHICS-AAM Graphics Accessibility API Mappings

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Shane McCarron <> wrote:

> At the ARIA meeting last week we briefly discussed how naming of tests
> works in the WPT environment[1].  In order to ensure we have all the things
> in place, can someone with a big picture view give me the short names and
> full names of all the specs that are going to be hitting CR that will be
> needing tests?  So far I have:
> wai-aria           ARIA 1.1
> dpub-aam           DPUB AAM 1.0
> svg-aam            SVG AAM 1.0
> What other mapping specs are coming that we can test using the ATTA
> architecture?  On a related note, should we be calling these test
> collections -aam or -aria?  Are there things in the base specification that
> can be tested (dpub-aria has a vocabulary; in theory that could be tested
> by seeing if the terms are being used or if they validate or if... I don't
> know what).  Also, what about core-aam, html-aam, and the new naming spec?
> Happy to facilitate getting this stuff into the test architecture.  I just
> need to know what it is.
> --
> Shane McCarron
> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops


Fred Esch

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2016 00:27:44 UTC