Rationale for aria-errormessage

The rationale for including this is not documented.
It is merely a special case of aria-describedby and is burdened  with
the requirement of aria-invalid.
If the programmatically associated message conveys it is an error or
that input is invalid, why burden SR users with output of aria-invalid
See ARIA21 ... aria-invalid can be used without a separate message
like in example#1 and as noted is not always needed.
Developers / testers need to be better trained in use of
aria-describedby for error messaging. And in any case using
aria-describedby for this purpose can never be wrong or fail WCAG2.
Aria-errormessage will confuse developers / testers and some will use
describedby  and some the new one  and users will suffer till user
agents and AT makers decide to provide uniform support for

Sailesh Panchang

Received on Monday, 25 July 2016 20:42:49 UTC