Updating roleInfo.js

I was not previously aware of this.
Michael – can you take care of updating roleInfo in aria-common periodically?

### How ARIA Extension Specs are Built

An extension spec is one that defines additional roles, states, and / or properties that augment
the collection defined in the core ARIA specification (aria/aria.html).  Extension specs must be
built in conjunction with the W3C ARIA WG if any new roles are to be in the default vocabulary space

When building an extension spec, use the boiler plate provided in aria/template.html as a basis.

Note that this template uses the aria/script/ariaChild.js script.  That script knows how to incorporate
information from the core ARIA specification into the extension spec so that new roles, states, and properties
are well integrated into the overall ARIA taxonomy.

The ariaChild.js script relies upon an input script (aria/script/roleInfo.js).  As of today, that file is not automatically generated.
If you want to ensure the file is up to date, access the core ARIA spec with the special query string "#saveRoles"
from a browser on a client that has write access to the copy of the extension spec you are editing. When the dialog appears, click
the save button and tell your browser to save the roleInfo.js file into the aria/script directory.

The scripts to support extension modules are stored in the aria-common repository. Therefore, updates to roleInfo.js must be saved and committed to that repository, even though they are generated from content in this repository.


James Nurthen

415.832.2734 (tel)

601 Townsend Street

Accessibility Engineer

415.987.1918 (cell)

San Francisco, CA, 94103, USA

Adobe. Make It an Experience.



Received on Monday, 29 April 2019 17:02:32 UTC