Re: I've created a Related Standards page for the group

Hi Christine,

> I think it is FANTASTIC that you are taking the leadership role in
> gathering information and documenting how Web standards are being used
> for open AR!  Thank you for presenting this during the most recent
> AR Standards Community meeting.

Thanks...lots more to come 8)

> What I *fail to understand*, and I hope you will not hesitate to
> explain, is *why you feel that a separate activity/group is necessary or
> beneficial* in order to further the work you are doing/have done.

Sure...happy to share my motivations.

> 1. Will this not run the risk of fragmenting the community and run
> contrary to the goals of all the community members?

I don't believe so.  This would be like saying the OGC's ARML activity 
is fragmenting the work too...which I don't believe is 
the case.

I think that while the Augmented Web is very closely related to's work, there are a number of ways it is significantly 
different.  And since the Augmented Web is focused on the Web then the 
W3C is the natural home for a large part of this discussion...just like 
it is for the Declarative 3D Community Group, etc.

But this does not mean it should not involve as well and 
the activities of the two are not mutually exclusive.  In fact I hope 
they will really benefit each other.

> 2. How are your objectives and methods different than those that you
> have supported thus far in the AR Standards Community?

I think the new charter that I've proposed makes a good start at 
clarifying this and I intend to do a lot more work to develop this further.

The key point is that this group is focused on the intersection of AR 
and the Web and I believe that this is a new generation of the web - the 
Augmented Web.  As the charter states:

   "This group does not specifically aim to establish
    or define any new standards itself".

So there are many things that the community will discuss 
that do not directly relate to the Augmented Web.  And in reverse there 
are specifically Web related topics that the Augmented Web group will 
discuss that many within the community may see as a 

Where sensible I definitely intend to encourage collaboration and 
overlap.  But it just makes sense for the Augmented Web community to 
have it's own home and focus too.

> 3. Can we make room for your initiative within AR Standards Community?

I would hope that the Augmented Web community can take up the mantle of 
representing the W3C's standards and developments at the 
meetings as it has been very apparent at recent meetings that this type 
of representation is clearly missing.  As the charter also states we aim to:

   "build an integrated community voice that reaches out
    to all of the other relevant working groups and standards
    bodies to ensure that the Augmented Web perspective is
    clearly represented and considered".

I would see collaborating through as a key part of 
this...along with engaging with the specific W3C, IETF and Khronos 
Working Groups along with the WHATWG.

> 4. Would it, in parallel if you prefer, be possible for the topic of Web
> Standards to also be discussed on the AR Standards Community mailing
> list and during future community meetings?

I think cross posting makes good sense in a lot of cases and I'm happy 
to take charge of that if you would like this.  But there are also 
things that the Augmented Web community should be discussing that are 
not just standards related and I think many people on the discussion list may see this as irrelevant or a 
distraction.  This was also an important consideration when I decided to 
take on this activity.

> Great to compile the standards you see as being most important. I also
> highly encourage you to examine and compare the following two pages:
> When I have a moment I will assist the AR Standards Community and your
> activities by identifying those standards which you have identified on
> the new page and that may be missing from the above pages we maintain.

I think it would make the most sense for you to just refer to the 
"Related Standards" page on the Augmented Web Group's site 
( as this is a fast 
moving area and replicating this content doesn't seem sensible or 
feasible with the limited resources we all have.

Of course you're free to copy this content if you want to but this will 
obviously need to be done with the W3C CLA in mind 
( and with relevant 
attribution too.

Personally I think this is just a healthy sign that the community is 
maturing and the activities on a number of fronts are developing more 
momentum 8) is even more relevant now as a broad cross SDO 
discussion forum.  And the W3C AR Community Group will aim to build a 
strong voice that clearly represents the Augmented Web perspective 
within that discussion.


Received on Saturday, 24 November 2012 09:39:47 UTC