[Widgets] confi.xml - author element

Hi All
Based on our existing experience in building widgets we have encountered
some limitations in termes of caracters in the way the author description is
being proposed, and I think it would be more open if we propose the
following desciption:

<widget xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"
        version="2.0 Beta"
  <title>The example widget!</title>
    A sample widget to demonstrate some of the possibilities.

        <name>My Name</name>
        <icon src=²images/author-icon.png² type=²²/>
  <icon role="small" src="icons/widget-icon.png" />
  <icon role="favicon" src="icons/widget-favicon.png" />
  <icon role="screenshot" src="icons/widget-screenshot.png" />

  <content src="index.html"/>
  <access network="true"/>
    Example license (based on MIT License)


The name element will allow to use special caracters (³&² or others)
The url element would allow the url to propose parameters to go directly to
the widget¹s url page as opposed to the companie¹s home url.
Addind the icon element within the author also alows to distinguish the
widget icon from the author icon.

Best Regards, 

> Benoit  Suzanne
> Widget Factory Project Manager - Orange Labs - FT/RD/SIRP/SOL/SLAM
> t. +33 (0)145 298  198 - m. +33 (0)680 287 553
> benoit.suzanne@orange-ftgroup.com

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 11:13:52 UTC