Re: [Widgets] confi.xml - icon element

Hi All,
During last week's teleconf [1] we discussed the proposed models for
dealing with icons. The working group reached a resolution to use the
model which was previously proposed [2] where by the widget engine
intelligently selects an icon by comparing the dimensions of the
available the display context to the dimensions of an icon. The
inclusion of a 'role' attribute was rejected on the grounds of a lack
of use cases, lack of semantics for role and the proposed
corresponding values (big, small, screenshot, etc), and because it is
not a common feature across market-leading widget engines. If vendors
wish to use 'role', then they are free to do so by including it into
their own custom namespace:

<widgets xmlns=""
xmlns:ex="" >
  <icon src="icon_ss.png" ex:role="screenshot"/>
  <icon src="icon_big.png" ex:role="big"/>
  <content src="widget.html"/>

The resolution the WG reached is to now allow zero or more <icon>
elements. The widget engine must derive the width and height of an
icon by inspecting the image data. The supported image formats will be
GIF87,GIF89,PNG, and JPG (SVG will be optional).

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 03:14:01 UTC