Re: XBL2: Now With Tasty New Examples!

Ian Hickson wrote:
> I've added a whole slew of examples to the XBL2 spec. Let me know if any 
> make no sense, or confuse you, or make matters worse. Also let me know if 
> there are sections you think should have more examples.

Hi Ian,

Good examples! I found a couple of typos.

In the Section 2.5., second example, line:

<content includes="ui|listitem" apply-author-sheets="true">

should be:

<content includes="ui|listitem" apply-binding-sheets="true">

I think there are two typos in the example of the Section 4.7.2.
Actually, I mentioned them already in the earlier post:

Third paragraph, sentence ending:

"...most derived binding that is already attached to the element, s_3."

s_3 should be s_1.

Fourth paragraph:

"The inheritance between d_3 and s_1 is implicit, meaning..."

d_3 should be d_2.


Received on Monday, 21 August 2006 14:48:10 UTC