Re: Decouple XBL2 From CSS

Doug Schepers wrote:
> The XBL2 spec, as it stands, assumes only CSS for binding and for styling.
> This is an unnecessarily narrow requirement.  There should be options for
> other standardized languages as appropriate, such as XSL:FO for styling and
> XBL for binding.
> Please revise the specification so that it does not assume that CSS is
> integral to XBL2.

   Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I was under the impression that
<xbl:binding xbl:element="[W3C Selector]"> could be used for binding.

   As for styling, I don't see an obvious way to add XSL-FO from an
external file, although I'm sure it could be used inline. I don't think
the spec says XSL stylesheets can't be used, but I do see where it's
specified how to do it either.

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2006 22:15:13 UTC