Input Events Level 2

Dear colleagues:

I hope you have celebrated the holiday season in the best, most refreshing and comfortable way possible: in short, in the way you wished.

Among many other things, I had a look at Input Events Level 2 ( over the holidays. As we discussed in the meetings in December, there was involvement from people like Leonie Watson and others throughout the development of this spec and it shows in the best way possible.

I don’t see any reason for us to comment the document from an accessibility standpoint. My only qualms with it have something of a holiday ring to them: the document should be less ascetic and more rounded out. Providing Mr Wilm is still around to take care of said fleshing out, I hope this spec can be moved forward to some other more appropriate status and perhaps, in the not too distant future, get that well-deserved TR status.

I look forward to today’s meeting.

All the best,

Mag. Fredrik Fischer, CWAE

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Received on Wednesday, 5 January 2022 14:44:48 UTC