Web Platform charter under development

The Web Platform group is working on a new charter:


I asked if was ok for APA and ARIA to review and Philippe said yes.

I think APA should review from a view of deliverables and whether we 
need to / are able to work on accessibility review of them. But note 
that at a charter level there might not be anything specific to say 
unless there's a major flag. The important thing is that we can review 
the stuff in the ordinary course of business, which the charter already 
sets up provisions for.

I think ARIA should look at the HTML Accessibility API Mappings, and in 
particular take a position on whether that should continue to be a joint 
deliverable between Web Platform and ARIA, or just become a sole 
deliverable of ARIA. It should also look at whether the necessary 
deliverables and coordinations are expressed to ensure ARIA works in 
HTML. There may be other deliverables that relate to ARIA work as well.

Philippe asks that comments be filed via GitHub:


But it might be best if I aggregate any WG feedback rather than get a 
bunch of people filing issues. I'm not sure there will be feedback, but 
thought it was important that these groups have the opportunity to review.


Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 20:12:23 UTC