Enumerating the required capabilities for anti-fraud use cases

Hi antifraudsters!

I've filed a github issue
<https://github.com/antifraudcg/proposals/issues/11> as a "scratch pad" on
which use-case owners can start listing the capabilities (i.e. functional
requirements) that are required for their anti-fraud use cases. Given the
breadth of enumeration, *I recommend that teams add comments to this *issue
<https://github.com/antifraudcg/proposals/issues/11>* describing their
desired and necessary capabilities*.

We may see significant overlap between different use cases, so don't worry
about being duplicative here -- in fact, it will be helpful to see which
capabilities recur across different use cases and teams. Once we have voted
on and approved the "use cases" document, we will file individual issues
for specific capabilities, allowing for targeted discussion of specific

Thanks for reading, and looking forward to your contributions!

Received on Friday, 13 May 2022 20:23:40 UTC