Chair Selection, Next Meeting, and Github Repo

Hi all,

Some updates for the community group:

As we've had 3 accepted nominations, the CG's Chairs will be:

Mike Cook (Socure)
Dimitris Theodorakis (HUMAN Security)
Steven Valdez (Google)

*Next Meeting*
Based on the responses to the Doodle and scheduling around other W3C
meetings, it looks like we'll initially be having our biweekly meetings on
Fridays at 12 PM-1 PM EST / 9 AM-10 AM PST / 5 PM-6 PM GMT. Our first
meetings will be January 21st and February 4th.

The agenda is at
Please make PRs or file issues for additional agenda items to discuss
(proposals to review, etc).

Call-in details will be sent out to the internal Anti-Fraud CG list in the
coming week.


Most of the CG work is happening in the Github repository ( If you'd like to be added as a
collaborator to the Github organization, please fill out the following form
(or if you are unable to, please email me directly your github username):

Received on Friday, 7 January 2022 16:49:04 UTC