Re: status property for annotations

Would he PARTSTAT property work?


Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> Bcc'ed to rdf-calendar for info / fishing purposes. Please keep 
> follow-up  to the annotea-dev list.
> On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 18:16:58 -0500, Marja Koivunen <>  
> wrote:
>> Mark Smith wrote:
>>> Does anyone know of an XML status property that could be used with 
>>> the  Annotation schema?  The idea is to implement simple work flow 
>>> for  annotations that happen to be "change requests" or "action items."
> ... Bugzilla ...
>>> The minimum set of concepts I need are ASSIGNED, RESOLVED, and VERIFIED.
>>> iCalendar (RFC 2245) defines a Status property (and there is some 
>>> work  on XML schema for iCal).  But the allowed values for "to do" 
>>> kinds of  items are:  NEEDS-ACTION, COMPLETED, IN-PROCESS, 
>>> CANCELLED.  This would  work fine, except there is no concept similar 
>>> to VERIFIED.
>>> Does anyone know where else to look for this kind of thing?
>> This functionality has been on my Annotea extensions list a long 
>> time.  If there is a perfect schema it could be used with Annotea.


Doug Royer                     |

               We Do Standards - You Need Standards

Received on Monday, 14 March 2005 03:25:14 UTC