Re: Annotea / Firefox problems example directories missing - correction v 0.2.4

Marja Koivunen wrote:

> Marja Koivunen wrote:
>> Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>>> I tried to install the shared bookmarks stuff today on Firefox. I 
>>> am  running Windows, and Firefox
>>> When I start Firefox I get the following messages:
>>> It couldn't load a bookmark store that was a local file. I wonder if 
>>> this  is a default filename that got installed.
>>> message:
>>> [[[
>>> The following bookmarsktores cannot be loaded
>>> file://... (ran off the edge of the alert window)
>>> Correct URI or unselect store and try again
>>> ]]]
>> I need to check if the Profile store tag is not working right or if 
>> it is affected by the fact that the profile files are usually hidden 
>> in your computer.
> And yes, the extension loads some example bookmark files to either 
> profile defaults directory or the chrome defaults directory. They are 
> located in defaults/ubiextras/testdata directory. I also set the 
> default bookmark store directory and a default bookmark file 
> preferences at the configure. They will be used in as a starting point 
> for browsing and loading bookmarks.
The problem was that when I use defaults directory with install.rdf 
extensions they go to profile extensions {guid} defaults  and not to 
profile defaults as happened with install.js installation in profile 
mode. That is corrected now in version 0.2.4. Let me know if there are 
still errors.

If you already set the paths right they are stored in preferences and 
you don't see this problem.

I'm not sure yet what happens with firefox global installation but using 
that needs some special efforts anyway. Maybe there is an extensions 
directory too? I will look into that later.

Maybe it would make more sense to copy the examples to user home? 
Anyway, I cannot do that with install.rdf so in case it makes sense I 
need to look for another way.


Received on Friday, 4 March 2005 14:56:12 UTC